We cannot be better engineers than we are as people.

Human-Centric Engineering is an exploration of the human factors associated with Software Engineering.

We often see engineering as a logical and rational activity without much regard for the personal experiences of the engineer and the complexities of the human relationships they must navigate as part of their job. The aim of this newsletter is to offer insights, tools, and practical advice to help software engineers and associated stakeholders to create more human-centric approaches to building great software.

The newsletters will aim to strike a balance between objective and informative insights from the world of Software Engineering with the more general subjective nature of human experience in the work environment.

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Helping software engineers and engineering leaders to navigate the complex human ecosystem.


Interested in psychology, philosophy, and the absurdities in the crazy world we live in. Mostly writes about Mastery, occasionally about Software Engineering and often shares random ponderings on life, existence, and whatever surfaces in the moment.
Optimist. Idealist. Futurist. Dancing at the intersection of humanity and technology.